Tackling Stains and Spills in Your Rental in Fort Lauderdale, FL with Ease

Tackling Stains and Spills in Your Rental in Fort Lauderdale, FL with Ease

Fort Lauderdale, FL, has incredible oceanfront restaurants with amazing seafood - just not so amazing when that seafood takeout stains the carpet. We're looking at you, squid ink and fish grease.

Like a missing person case, the first hours of a stain are crucial. Tackling stains and spills in your rental needs to be done immediately with the right tools. So in the spirit of maintaining rental cleanliness, what do you need for stains?

Today we'll look at:

  • What water temperature to use
  • What cleaning solutions you'll need
  • The proper stain-cleaning techniques

Fort Lauderdale landlords, worry not. With this spill and stain removal guide, you'll keep your property looking brand-new.

Supplies for Tackling Stains and Spills in Your Rental

Every stain is a different beast. Removing a coffee stain is very different from removing a wine stain. To make sure you're ready, keep the following classics ready to go:

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Borax
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Club soda

With these solutions in hand, you'll be ready to tackle stains and spills of all kinds in your rental. You can buy commercial cleaning solutions, too. However, these natural ingredients work very well.

Cleaning Tools

In addition to cleaning solutions, grab some cleaning tools while you're at it. Get some:

  • Paper towels
  • Sponges
  • Microfiber cloth
  • A carpet steamer or shampooer

Consider making a stain removal kit that has all of these at the ready. Keep said kit at your Fort Lauderdale rental whenever the need arises. Fewer stains make the place look clean and are sure to boost occupancy rates.

Remove the Stains From a Rental Property

If the stain is fresh, act now. Make sure to:

  1. Soak it up with paper towels
  2. Soak it with cleaning solution
  3. Rinse with water
  4. Avoid spreading it

Make sure to use the right solution for the right stain. For example, grease stains need rubbing alcohol or baking soda. Borax and club soda are better for carpet stains like pet urine or drink spills.

Also, keep the water temperature in mind based on the stain. Stuff like sweat or blood needs cold water. Stains like grease or oil need hot water to break them down.

Removing Dried Stains

If the stain is already dry, fear not. Use the following steps:

  1. Remove or vacuum any residue
  2. Soak it with solution
  3. Wait at least 30 minutes
  4. Blot the residue
  5. Rinse and dry

Older stains will probably need proper steaming or vacuuming. Apply the above steps multiple times, as it may just need some work before it goes away.

Find More Vacation Rental Cleaning Tips at PMI

Tackling stains and spills in your rental is all about timing and having the right tools. Make a stain removal kit with essential ingredients like baking soda and vinegar. Get to the stains as soon as possible, but know that older stains can still be removed.

PMI Premium Services in Fort Lauderdale offers a powerful support network for aspiring landlords. Our proven management strategies make sure you maximize rent on your properties. Grab yourself a free consultation and watch your earnings pour in.
